
Originally uploaded by Roostar.
I had this weekend all planned out.
Friday night - quiet night in, practise some bass, enjoy chilled evening with loved one.
Saturday - exciting gig with Soul Beaver.
Sunday - catch up on work, tidy house.

The reality:
Friday - drummer called to tell me the Saturday gig had been cancelled. Caught terrible food poisoning from previous night's fish and chips (had attempted to remove 'hassle' of cooking for Jenna and I by getting take-out and poisoned us both instead). Frequency of visits to bathroom not seen since the horrific 'squits-gig' incident when playing with band in Egypt. Three songs, off stage, loo, back on stage, repeat all night.

Saturday - continued feeling very poorly. Decided to stay home with Jenna and clean house. Less than an hour in she calls me downstairs to suggest radical overhaul of front room. A few more hours progress and we have bought two new chairs and I have sawn our three seater sofa in half (see picture - and no, you wouldn't have wanted it). Ended evening just about ready for solid food and glad, for once, the evening's gig had been cancelled.

Sunday - dump sofa halves at local tip. Catch up with work. Back on track.


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