Another nicely odd week.

I've spent a couple of days at 'work'. That is, the building at college where I'm based. I was completely alone in a large building, which was a surprisingly thrilling experience. I did plenty of work, but also stared out of the window and felt good about it. I'm trying to find a practical way to be philosophical. Can you be practically philosophical?

Yesterday I went with a friend to sort out clothes for his wedding. It was like revisiting an old world for me as I used to work in the retail/clothing business before having a life changing return to England and education. My wonderful parents helped be change from unfulfilled salesperson (a job I was never going to be very good at) to a qualified teacher and (finally) practising musician. Some days I still don't believe I made the change. Back in the clothes shop (a superbly traditional place in Oxford) I found someone I had worked with back in the eighties. It was an strange moment, standing there with a friend who I play in a band with and who I had met as a 'mature' university student, while chatting to someone from so long ago they knew me by a (slightly) different name. Things seem to be coming together.

Anyway, the clothes shopping worked really well. I'll certainly be taking a camera to the wedding, which should be an enjoyable day. The bride's sister is recovering from having an orange sized tumour (thankfully benign) removed from her brain. Relief at the thing's removal is being tempered with the nervousness of how she will fare over the next few weeks while she readjusts - but essentially this is good news. The groom, bride to be, bridesmaids and self has a succulent meal at Bistro J'taime (terrible name but great food) in Oxford then I came home to faff about with a new song.

In the world of blogging we seem to have lost a few a few stalwarts. 'A blog's life' has vanished, and 'Call Centre Confidential' has stopped. I'm having a tidy up here and recommend to you Arthur Durkee's Road Journal (permanent link coming soon). He's a Stick player who has hit the road for a change of life. His journal is also available as a podcast. Podcasting is fun but I'm very new at it - finding and tasting a variety of superb and extremely not superb podcasts. Don't know what podcasting is? This should help.


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