Goulash repercussions

A full day at work followed by a quiet night in with J. She cooked a veggy goulash (despite reminding me of the higher qualities of a meat based dish) and it was sublime. An increasingly relaxed evening suggested I was going to have an early night but... just as I was about to settle down I felt a burst of energy (although it could have been the goulash) and left an already sleeping J so I could play the Stick Bass in the back room. Out of much fiddling around with modes and runs came a melodic idea which is still with me now. Amazingly, I'm still happy with it so it's time to click Garageband and make a quick recording for future reference.

The Fripp soundscape I attended is now available at DGM Live. It's a beautiful piece of music and I recommend a listen, if not a purchase.

J starts jury duty soon. I'm not sure if she will be allowed to tell me any details but it should be an interesting experience.


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