
Early in the morning, after a few hours trouble trying to breath my wife was in need of an asthma inhaler, which (after some negotiating with a doctor) I picked up from a late night department of a hospital. After a few hours sleep I went to work at the dayjob. Coming home after an early evening visit to my parents with Freya (22 months and surprisingly opinionated) along for the ride, I found that the car wouldn't back up. A quick check revealed a rear wheel wasn't turning and the AA were called out. To make matters more interesting, Sainsbury's were due to deliver the week's groceries in an hour.

Within the hour I had called the supermarket and headed them off. The man from the AA fixed the car and shared an interesting life story. A local shop surprised us all by carrying a massive range of car parts. Freya and I drove home and she went to sleep after nine, rather than her usual seven.

The next day (yesterday) we all took things easy. In the evening I made pancakes for all and finally got a good night's sleep.


nmj said…
will, i hope your wife is okay, this sounds frightening...homemade pancakes definitely in order.
Will said…
Pancakes cue all sorts of ills. although keeping a few spare inhalers in the house might be more practical.

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