Is it Autumn yet?

On a more optimistic note it’s now (pretty much) the end of summer. Hurray! No more sunburn, no more heat stroke, no more having to remember to pack sunscreen and hats for the children. True, the wind and rain and cold are now here but that does mean the fag ends dropped in the gutter by the family who live around the corner from us have all been washed away. Yes, I have been drinking coffee.

October is closing in, which means a chance for the children and I to make and bake things for my wife’s birthday. It also means November is not to far away. November = NaNoWriMo, the event that has helped me write two (not very good) novels and improve my fiction writing muscle to the point that I’m thinking about writing another one. The novel must be written in November and because of this there is no time to revise, tweak or tweeze the text. The upside of this is that there is little time to read back what you’ve written, lose heart and stop. I love it.

Then there’s bonfire night (fireworks, molten spuds, etc.) and Halloween, which isn’t much fun as a grown up but does annoy the sort of hard-line Christians who I don’t mind annoying.

All this before the winter really kicks in.


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