Summer... is it still here?

Rug & Lawn
Originally uploaded by Roostar
OK. It's been summery for a few days now so let's start complaining!

I'm not designed for hot weather and so, I should lead the traditional charge of moaning about whatever it is we Brits go on about when the temperature has been in the 20s for more than two days.

It is too muggy to moan though. I'm sitting at the kitchen table, working on student's essay for the dayjob, drinking tea and eating cake kindly bought by my folks from the Malvern Show. Today's listening is the wonderful ProjeKct Two live in Cleveland in 1998. Heavy tunes played by Robert Fripp, Trey Gunn and Adrian Belew (on drums, whch might be a surprise if you know Mr Belew as a first call guitarist).

Anyway, some gig news soon. The some more.


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