Stretching February

The musical project I have been working on this month has now officially outgrown the original limits. It was supposed to be done by the end of February, but now it has turned into something worth a bit more time. The various voices I have collected (all generously contributed by people who have no idea how this will sound when finished) have started suggesting a theme other than the one I had in mind originally.
This all began just about a year ago when I had an idea to record people talking about a specific theme and then write some music to play underneath the recordings. Once I got started, some interesting things happened. Firstly, I was impressed by how modern technology (most of it made by Apple) has made it easier to record and edit contributions for those people not in my vicinity. Secondly, the music I began to write worked better when it played around the voices, not just underneath them.
The final surprise is that, once all the pieces are ready, I will be able to put them together using a grid of flashing lights know as the Novation Launchpad. Once the final mix is done (I'm planning on doing this 'live' as opposed to going backwards and forwards placing parts and editing) I'm planning on playing an accompanying part on either my favourite bass or the Warr Guitar.

So, the February project is now the February/March project. The best thing of all is the fun I'm having with high tech and good, old fashioned speech.


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